Monday, October 13, 2008

.i should be sleeping... again.

I think I've used that blog header more than once. What can I say, except I get my best work done at this time of night. Plus, I couldn't go to bed without posting a few images of sweet little Jak. I was so excited to see how much he had grown in the last 7 months! I can't believe all of the beautiful curly hair he has! And those eyes? Mommy I think you have a ladies' man on your hands.

So. Darn. Cute.


YCM the blog... said...

he has grown!!!
i love the one of him on his tipey toes looking over the rock! and those curls!!!

QGIRL said...

Great photos of Jak. He is stunning. Ladies Man indeed! It is a good thing I don't have any little girls!