Monday, August 18, 2008

*snapshot alert*

**Warning.... This post is full of unedited, taken by a proud mommy,
not a photographer, snap shots.**

My birthdays don't really seem like a big deal to me anymore. I think once you hit a certain age it's just another day. Yeah, the family dinner and the cards and gifts are fun but it's still just another day. Until you have a baby. The first 6 months seem to drag by... eat, sleep, poop, eat, sleep, poop. The the time starts flying. We celebrated her first birthday. Her very first full year of life- one year ago exactly. Then this past weekend we had her second birthday. Watching our baby turn two this weekend was harder than I thought it was going to be. She seems so big now. With full sentences like "Mommy sit down white der," and "Ty boy (our dog) I love you," "I climb up in de car seat," and "I call bug Audrey" while riding in the car, my heart melts a little more everyday. I am overwhelmed with emotion when I think about what a celebration of life a Birthday is. I know a handful of people who are going through major health issues with their kids and I'm so thankful that we have a healthy little girl. Lord, please constantly remind me to enjoy every second I have with this sweet little girl that you have given to us.

I went out a few weeks ago- of course totally last minute- to get a few shots of Audrey for her birthday invitation. Let me preface this by saying... Last year I made her invitation and set the standard way too high so, of course, I couldn't send out an Evite this year. ha. I should have just done that instead of stressing out. I had this great idea in my head. I bought a big bouquet of colorful balloons, gave her a hair cut and we were headed out to capture this thought that I had and put it on paper. In 100 degree plus heat, right before dinner, in less than about 30 minutes because I had a session RIGHT after, with a cranky almost 2 year old.

Here's the result of that little adventure...

So then we spent every night for almost two weeks getting our backyard and house ready for our backyard splash party. My sister was at our house the night before and snapped this one after we had shucked all of her clothes and diaper and chased her around the yard blasting her with the water hose. HILARIOUS!

Then, once we got her in bed we were standing there talking to her, doing the whole nighttime routine, I grabbed my camera a snapped a few more-

We played HARD at the "purrtee party" (she's Audrey speak for birthday party). We had thirty something people here and kids everywhere and it was so much fun!

She got a "back-yuum" for her birthday from Big Audrey and she LOVES it.

And a plasma car from her Nana and "meek-up" from her PawPaw. (Not really make-up, just brushes, sponges and empty bottles in a Caboodle-the pink "soupcase" in her trunk)

Then, as if we hadn't played hard enough, we went that evening to the North Texas State Fair and did all of the the fair festivities-

Petting zoo...

Rode the carousel- Daddy took this one- on manual. Go daddy!

Rode a horse. She loved it. This is the best pic I could get... The guy was a little weird about me having my camera- of course he wanted us to buy the one they take.The corn dog that we were supposed to be sharing... Why did I think we could share one? So, after a melt down and a few tears we bought mommy her own. And one last birthday weekend festivity... Finishing off the left over cupcakes and ice cream (which gave a little bit of a sugar high... We heard proof of that through the monitor at about 10:00) on her real birthday- August 18th.

Happy Birthday sweet girl. Daddy and I love you more than you will ever know. We love the spark that you bring to our lives. We love that it's no longer about us. We love having a sweet little girl around... Which means mommy's hair will always be brushed and daddy's make up will always be fresh (thanks to PawPaw). There will always be a baby doll that needs rocking and an abundance of food to be cooked up in your "tichen" (kitchen). We love that you tell us "I love you," sometimes even for no reason, you say please and thank you, sometimes a little reluctantly, and you never let us forgot to say "dear God" before every meal, and sometimes two and three times at one sitting. We are having so much fun with you right now. Will you stay two forever?


YCM the blog... said...

ahhh! I was standing right there for the shot of Audrey with the water balloon...
What a sweet post! It kinda made me tear up.

April Jackson said...

That's a sweet post. I was wondering if mommy had the melt down and the few tears about the corn dog!! I can't wait to put Avery's hair in cute pig tails like that...I can wait for her to be a big girl though!!