Thursday, June 19, 2008

it was hot...

...but he was SO GOOD!

Ok, so I will have to admit- I almost always go into one year old sessions expecting to be tested more than I ever have been. Not because I don't like those sessions but because I am the mommy of a one year old myself. When taking her one year pictures she wouldn't even look at me!! So, I just assume the worst and I have had some of the funnest one year old sessions. And this one is now towards the top of the list! Little Mr. Landon did so well considering by the end of our session his cheeks were the reddest little cheeks I have ever seen! Thanks again Christi for an enjoyable afternoon!

I think I might love one year olds after seeing this one. :)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

GORGEOUS pictures, Emily (as always)!

AND, I got complimented on my hair today (nearly a month since you last did it). My boss told me it is "so cosmopolitan!" :o)