Friday, February 8, 2008

"but I'm too excited to sleep"

I'm saying that in my head like the little boy on the Disney World commercial... Jonathan and I leave in T-minus 8 hours for our very first kid-free vacation. We are so excited to be able to get away for a few days. I'm a little nervous about leaving my sweet baby (who by the way is now saying " eye yuh yoo" (i love you- which TOTALY melts my heart) and ohhhh yooooo (hold you- meaning she wants us to hold her) and mastering more and more sign language and spoken words by the week) but tomorrow might be a little rough. I think once I'm sitting on the beach I'll be ok :) I know she will be very well taken care of- I just have to keep reminding myself that. I'm not taking my big camera. I decided that if something happened to it, it would be a bad bad thing soooo... my next post will hopfully be filled with beach pictures from my baby camera. stay. tuned. :)

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