Saturday, January 26, 2008

and the special is....

Thanks for being patient while I worked on getting some new equipment (and motivated after laying down the cash-oh-la for the new lens... yikes) for 2008... Here's how things are going to work: The first 5 people to book a session (before March 31st) will get.... drum. roll. please. ........ twenty dollars off of the sitting fee annnnnnnnd a *free* 11x14 with purchase. That's a $75 value. Please mention this special when booking your appointment.

Also, I'm trying to get more maternity pictures and itty bitty babies on my website so if you know of any one please send them my way! When you refer someone to me- you will receive a *free* 8x10 with your next order.
One last thing... I know this picture probably isn't the most technically "correct" picture but here's the latest picture of my sweet baby. She's so fast now (and a little over the camera) so it's hard to even get a shot of her face. So, here's what I got...

I cannot believe she's going to be 18 months old in a few short weeks. It's crazy how fast they grow!!

1 comment:

YCM the blog... said...

she is so cute!!!
we miss yall
today was a perfect day to go to the park.