Saturday, March 29, 2008

so I get a little bored :)

I've spent the last few days working on a slight (hehe) makeover for the blog AND the website while my little Munchie was napping. When Jonathan asked me if he could substitute play in a double header for our church softball team last, I thought.... "ooo that would give a few hours of tap top time" :) So, a few hours later, waaahlaaah!! Click here to see the new website. Same name different colors. I'm excited to see a color other than boring old black. :) I know the pictures pop with a black back ground but I was tired of it. Let me know what you think!



YCM the blog... said...

hey I like the new site!!!
do an about me!
also why can't I see all the images in your galleries?

I feel famous since Ian is one it!

THE FLOYDS said...

absolutely LOVE the new website...very modern! i also love the logo - u may have already had that though. cool beans-good job!