Monday, February 25, 2008

cutest little belly :)

I know this mommy-to-be is waiting to see her sneak preview so I won't chat for long. I had a great time walking around snapping a few pictures of this sweet couple. I knew Arrie in high school and she met her ultra patient husband Jordan in college. :) He was sooooo laid back and had a great attitude about getting these pictures of them. Their first baby, Griffin, is due in just four short weeks! Stay tuned for his newborn pics! Thanks again Arrie and Jordan for a very enjoyable afternoon!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

yep. three in 24 hours.

Yeah, that's right... This is my third post since last night. I'm making up for all of the dead air (ahem... I mean vacation time) from the last month and a half. Audrey and I were playing outside the other night (while Dadddy fixed his "sick" truck) and I snapped a few of her. She was actually ok with the camera for a few minutes... No repeating of the words "hold you" or crying. It was quite nice :)
This was a proud moment for Daddy. Next on the list: teaching her to swing a golf club. :)

Waiting for baby #2

I was excited when my friend Misti asked me if I would be willing to capture she and her family of three one last time before the second little girl comes along and makes them and family of four. Here are a few favorites from our session...

Thank you, Misti, for trusting me to capture these sweet images of your sweet family.

fun. times.

We had so much fun on our vacation! Everything was awesome.... except for the whole "darn-that-went-by-way-too-fast" letdown feeling you have the week after vacation. I'm still trying to get over that and that weird rocking boat feeling. Here are a few pics from my baby camera...

Cozumel beaches were breath-taking... We wanna go back there and park our rears on the beach for 4 or 5 days.

Jonathan and me with our friends Nicole and Jason on the beach... I can already see the text message that I'm sure I will get from Nicole in the morning about puting a pic of her in her swimming suit on my blog... hehe. (oh and it was CRAZY windy that day- that's why our hair is EVERYWHERE)

hehe... this one makes me laugh.

Of course one for our sweet baby...

And the not-so-pretty Progresso. One good thing about this town is the $15.00 on the beach massages. :)

We met an American guy down there who was our tour guide and we got to talking to him... (because we thought it was a little strange to see and white guy with the tiniest hispanic accent). We asked him what brought him to Mexico and he said his parents went down there for thier honeymoon and never left!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ :)

Friday, February 8, 2008

"but I'm too excited to sleep"

I'm saying that in my head like the little boy on the Disney World commercial... Jonathan and I leave in T-minus 8 hours for our very first kid-free vacation. We are so excited to be able to get away for a few days. I'm a little nervous about leaving my sweet baby (who by the way is now saying " eye yuh yoo" (i love you- which TOTALY melts my heart) and ohhhh yooooo (hold you- meaning she wants us to hold her) and mastering more and more sign language and spoken words by the week) but tomorrow might be a little rough. I think once I'm sitting on the beach I'll be ok :) I know she will be very well taken care of- I just have to keep reminding myself that. I'm not taking my big camera. I decided that if something happened to it, it would be a bad bad thing soooo... my next post will hopfully be filled with beach pictures from my baby camera. stay. tuned. :)