Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Pregnant Best Friend

Haha... that sounds like a movie. But, it's not. I posted about Chloe now it's time to talk about her sweet pregnant mommy Melissa. I am so excited to meet the little bundle of joy. (My husband is too... he told me the other day that she needed to hurry up and have her so that it would cure my baby fever :) Here are a few pictures from our session the other day...

Thanks for being so patient and not thinking that I'm totally crazy when I made you twist and turn, lay in weird positions in the grass, on the concrete, and ever so close to cigarette butts, change your clothes in a stairwell while there were people close, and sit with the sun in your eyes on numerous occasions. Thank you for trusting me to take you and Chloe's pictures. But, most of all thank you for being a true best friend. Your unconditional friendship means more to me than you will ever know... love you :o)

I think it's in the water

Babies, Babies everywhere! I had two maternity sessions this weekend. Courtney and Caleb were the first on Saturday. We had a great time. "Sure... if you think ugly things are pretty." Haha I'm still laughing about that in my head. I will post the rest of the pictures on the website by tomorrow night... Enjoy!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Little Miss Chloe... My How Time Flies

These first few posts will be a little out of order. I'll get caught up and then I will only be posting when I have new pictures.

Here is Miss Chloe. Her mommy and I have already decided that she and my daughter Audrey are going to be best friends... 'Cause you can pick your kids' friends, right?? I cannot believe she is already 18 months old. I still remember the day Melissa told me she was pregnant. What an exciting time for them. After waiting and waiting their little bundle of joy finally arrived. Now, that sweet little baby is going to be a big sister! Baby #2 is due in December. I will post Melissa's Maternity session in the next few days. I love her belly :o) For now... enjoy!

It's Official

I'm diving in. I'm officially crazy to think I can run two businesses, two blogs, be a wife, and a mom all while trying to keep my sanity. ha. It's worth a try right? I will try and update this blog every time I have a sitting. Thanks to all of our amazing friends and family the photography business is taking off! We have come so far in the last 10 months- we are excited to see what happens in the next 10 months! (I've even hired Jonathan on to do some of the behind the scene stuff!) Stay tuned... It's gonna be a fun ride!